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Lugana 1R

As the grapes are fed into the feed hopper, placed on the longitudinal side of the machine, an auger meters them into the destemmer axle which rotates in the cage.

The sheeting of the destemming drum is with round countersunk holes.This avoids maceration of the grape-stalks. The speed of the machine can be adjusted through a mechanical speed control, so that you can obtain whole grapes. Then the grapes fall into the rubber crushing rollers. Two calibrated hand wheels on the outside of the machine allow the operator to set the roller spacing to give the desired amount of crushing.

The "LUGANA 1R" unit can be opened and the must gathering tank can be removed. The destemming axle and the drum can be easily removed after opening the hood at the grapestalks exit.

The machine can be easily disassembled so that the operator can quickly reach its inner parts for their maintenance and full cleaning.

Installed power 1.85 kW and production: 4-6 t/h.

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