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NF Kieselguhr filter - BEER

Done correctly, filtering with kieselgur (or micro-filtering) enables a crystal-clear product to be obtained without interfering with its organoleptic qualities, and avoiding the need to perform thermal treatments or sterile filtering processes.

The NF  automatically discharged horizontal disk kieselgur filters are suitable for filtering beer and perfect for filtering operations on large amounts of liquid with low percentages of solids in suspension because they combine very rapid working times with excellent filtering results.

This type of filter relies on a unique system that keeps the filter cake intact even in the case of accidental interruptions in the filtering process. The centrifugal discharging of the cake makes the emptying and cleaning operations quick and easy, and servicing procedures also take up very little time because the filter’s structure has been designed to facilitate these activities to the utmost.

Manufactured in accordance with the 97/23/EC PED directive, these filters are made of  AISI 304 stainless steel, while the reduction units and electric motors are protected with an acid-proof epoxy-based paint.

They are available in various models from 5 to 50 m².

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